The Philippines is a country full of sunshine, even in rainy seasons! If you know you know. 

Now, turning that sunshine into electricity to power your home or business sounds like a pretty good deal already doesn’t it? But even better, picture yourself selling any extra power you generate back to the grid. Sounds pretty sweet, right? 

That’s the magic of net metering! This program lets you harness the power of renewable energy, most commonly solar energy, and potentially slash your electricity bills. 

But before you start dreaming of endless savings, let’s get real. 

While the benefits are awesome, the road to net metering here in the Philippines can be a bit bumpy and surprisingly long.

But don’t worry, we’ll guide you through it by breaking down what net metering is all about and why it might take a little patience to get there.

Understanding the Net Metering Process

Okay, so you’re intrigued by net metering. But what exactly does it involve?

The Law About Net Metering

Net metering in the Philippines, under the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, allows customers with renewable energy systems (up to 100 kW) to send excess electricity they generate back to the grid. This excess is credited against their bill, potentially leading to savings.

Here’s a quick overview of the law:

  • Who’s eligible? Residential and commercial customers with renewable energy systems up to 1MW.
  • How does it work? Excess energy is exported to the grid, and customers receive credits that offset their bill.
  • What’s the catch? You can’t be a net generator at year’s end (excess credits are forfeited), and your system must meet technical standards.

Net metering benefits include lower electricity bills, promotion of renewable energy, and increased energy independence. However, the application process can be lengthy and grid limitations may exist.

The government is actively working to improve the program by streamlining applications and potentially expanding eligibility. But let’s move on for now. 

Are You Eligible?

  • System Size: Net metering is generally a good fit for renewable energy systems up to 1 Megawatts (MW). It used to be only up to 100kW systems, but they increased it back in 2022 to further incentivize people to invest in renewable energy.
  • Customer Type: Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, you might be eligible for net metering. There might be some slightly different rules depending on which category you fall into.
  • Technical Check: Don’t forget, your renewable energy system needs to meet certain technical standards to make sure it plays nice with the grid and keeps everything safe.

What Are the Steps?

  • Applying for Net Metering:
    • First things first, grab a net metering application form from your Distribution Utility (DU) – that’s the company that brings electricity to your place.
    • Get your paperwork ducks in a row – proof of ownership, technical details about your system, permits, and other necessary documents.
    • Be prepared to pay an application fee.
  • Tech Check:
    • Your Distribution Utility Company will do a little digging with a Distribution Impact Study (DIS) to see how your renewable energy system will affect the grid.
    • If the DIS raises any eyebrows, a more in-depth study called a Customer Renewable Energy Asset Study (CREAS) might be needed.
    • In some cases, your DU might need to make some tweaks and upgrades to the grid to accommodate your system. This could add some time and expense to the process.
  • Inspections and Getting the Green Light:
    • An electrician will swing by to make sure your electrical setup is safe and up to code.
    • You might need to get a Certificate of Compliance (COC) from the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).
    • Your DU will carefully review all your paperwork to ensure everything is in order.
  • Meter Makeover:
    • Say goodbye to your old electricity meter and hello to a fancy bi-directional meter! This high-tech meter can measure both the electricity you use and the extra power you send back to the grid.
    • Once the new meter is in and your renewable energy system is up and running, you’re officially part of the net metering crew!

Who’s Who in the Net Metering World?

A few key players make net metering happen:

  • Distribution Utilities (DUs): These are the companies that deliver electricity to your doorstep. It could be VECO, CEPALCO, MERALCO, etc…They handle the net metering program, run those technical assessments, and install your new meter.
  • Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC): Think of them as the energy police. They create the rules and regulations for net metering and make sure everyone plays fair.
  • Consumers: That’s you! You’re the one with the renewable energy system, and you reap the benefits of net metering.
  • Installers/Contractors: These are the experts who install your system and make sure it meets all the technical requirements, like our team here in Solar Up Philippines. 

Why Does Net Metering Take Time?

Now, for the not-so-fun part. Why does getting approved for net metering sometimes feel like watching paint dry? Here are a few reasons why it can take a while:

  • Tech Stuff: Ensuring your system doesn’t mess with the power grid requires some serious analysis. That Distribution Impact Study (DIS) we mentioned? It’s not just a quick glance. It takes time to figure out if your system will play well with others. And if the grid needs any upgrades to handle your extra power, that can stretch things out even more.
  • Paperwork Shuffle: It’s not just the tech stuff. There’s a fair amount of paperwork and approvals involved. Someone needs to review your application, check all the boxes, and make sure everything is in line with the rules. Then there are inspections to schedule and permits to obtain, and those can add to the waiting game.
  • The Rules of the Game: The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) plays a big role in net metering. They set the rules, and sometimes those rules change or need clarification. This can mean applications need to be adjusted or reviewed again, which, you guessed it, takes more time.

Tips for a Smoother Net Metering Experience

While the wait for net metering can be frustrating, there are a few things you can do to make the process a bit smoother:

  • Early Bird Gets the Sun!: Don’t wait until the last minute to apply for net metering. Start the process as early as possible, ideally before you even install your renewable energy system.
  • Team Up with the Pros: Experienced installers, like us at Solar Up Philippines, know the ins and outs of net metering and can guide you through the whole process. They’ll help you avoid common mistakes and ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
  • Get Organized: Gather all the required documents in advance. This will save you time and prevent delays when it’s time for your application to be reviewed.
  • Stay in Touch: Don’t be afraid to reach out to your Distribution Utility (DU) for updates or if you have any questions. Communication is key to staying on top of the process.


Sure, the wait for net metering can test your patience. But remember, the benefits are worth it! By generating your own clean energy and potentially selling excess power back to the grid, you’re not only saving money but also contributing to a brighter, more sustainable future. So, while the journey might be a little longer than you’d like, with the right preparation and a little help from experts like Solar Up Philippines, you’ll be basking in the glow of your own renewable energy system in no time.

Ready to harness the power of the sun and slash your electricity bills? Don’t let the net metering process intimidate you. Let Solar Up Philippines be your guide! We’ll help with the paperwork, navigate the technicalities, and get you set up with your very own solar energy system. Contact us today to take the first step towards a brighter, more sustainable future!